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  • Our vision & values

    AlphaPet is the leading digital brand platform for premium pet food in Europe and establishes healthy pet food in the mainstream.

    AlphaPet Vision logo above a snowy mountain top with 4 climbers approaching itAlphaPet Vision logo above a snowy mountain top with 4 climbers approaching it
    The Goal -VisionThe Journey -MissionOur values –EquipmentCustomer centeredWe Win as a TeamWe learn fast andimproveWe are Motivated andhungryPassion for Pets andTechnologyWe are digital natives wholove animals and what they­­add to our lives, which is why­we solve the challenges we­face on the way to achieving­our vision through data-drivenanalytics and the efficient useof technology.­­­­­­Passion for Petsand Technology„We win as a team“ is anessential component ofAlphaPet’s corporate culture,­because we know that weachieve goals better when wecomplement each other. In thisway, we regularly celebrateboth corporate and personalsuccesses!­We win as ateamOur customers, their petsand our business partnersare at the center of ourmission - digital brandbuilding and efficient multi-channel online and offlinedistribution. We understandthis to mean developing theright products, offering them ina practical way, providingcompetent advice, and makingit easy and trustworthy to bean AlphaPet customer orpartner.­­CustomercenteredDie richtigen Ideen undProjekte umzusetzen sowiesie zu skalieren, wenn sieerfolgreich sind, ist eineunserer großen Stärken.Wir sind mutig und habendie Courage auch mal zuscheitern, weil wir wissen, dasswir schnell lernen, wieder auf-stehen und es dann bessermachen.We learn fast andimproveWe are driven by our visionto outgrow ourselves andhave the ambition to achieveextraordinary things:­­To develop the best products, tomarket them in the best way, todrive premiumization in Europeand to fill as many bowls aspossible with healthy food asquickly as possible.­­We are Motivatedand hungryAlphaPet establishes healthypet food in the mainstreamDigital brand building andefficient multi-channeldistribution -online and offline.


    Smiling woman

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